To become the market leader in the development and deployment of state of the art surgical visualization products.

Stephanie Parker


John Barnett

VP Business Development 

1275 Buford Hwy, Suite 109

Suwanee, GA 30024

(678) 400-0640

Contact Information


Brad Parker


Mission Statement

We develop and deploy advanced visualization products for healthcare providers and manufactures to improve surgical and diagnostic acuity.

Kevin May

Cheif Science Officer 

Mills Vautrot

VP Operations 

Our Team

"The added depth perception provided by the 3-D endoscope resulted in a significant reduction in the number of subject errors within the object removal task."

-- A. Cutler, and M. Bergsneider, UCLA Medical School’s Department of Neurosurgery


“Why would any surgeon choose to estimate depth during a procedure or allow his team to be forced to do so? Why would they choose to have crucial decisions based on an educated guess when actual 3D depth information can be available in the visual field?

--Dr. Sam Balkhy, Associate Professor of Surgery Director, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Cardiac Surgery, University of Chicago Medicine


REACH3D Medical is committed to bringing the utility and effectiveness of Stereoscopic 3D to the medical field in order to improve patient care while lowering procedure costs.

REACH3D Medical is a division of REACH3D (a Florida LLC) which began operations in 2009 is based in Suwanee Georgia (30 minutes north of Atlanta)


Our Foundation